
Saturday, March 21, 2009

DEATH OF THE MEXICAN GUN CANARD? (Not if the MSM has anything to say.)

Via Glenn Reynolds:

Testimony from law enforcement officials concludes that, generally, military hardware is not flowing into Mexico from the United States. We gun nuts have been saying that for years. More testimony here. The experts on the panel do not conclude that more gun control is the answer.

Don’t expect this to change the party line.

Wait, here's more:

The Mexican Canard
The experts on the panel do not conclude that more gun control is the answer.

But this canard continues to be parroted by the press and the anti-gunners, but I repeat myself.

Snowflakes in Hell:
Senator Feingold asks about smuggling of military hardware across the border.
The gist of it is that the military hardware isn’t coming from the United States, but from other sources.

So the people on the ground aren’t calling for changes in our country’s gun laws in order to deal with the Mexican problem, apparently much to the dismay of Senators Feinstein and Durbin. We also now know those on the ground don’t believe that military grade weapons are coming from the United States, and certainly not from US gun shows. So one wonders whether the media in the United States are going to continue to blame the US for the proliferation of miltiary weapons into Mexico. I suspect that the media will ignore this testimony, but let’s hope that Congress won’t.

Cam & Co.

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