
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Kasthleen Parker Blames Newpaper Decline on Bluggers

I would like to take credit, but I'm afraid that I merely watched as Newspapers committed suicide.

If you’re wondering who’s to blame for the slump in newspaper revenue over the past few years, Kathleen Parker has what she believes to be the answer: the “drive-by punditry...

When a company like Microsoft offers a faulty product and people stop buying it, Microsoft does what it can to improve the product and thus improve the bottom line. Yet the mainstream media continue on their merry way, preferring to blame the consumer rather than look at their business practices and ask, “What can we do to fix this?” And I’m not referring to layoffs.

A commenter wrote:
First, newspapers aren’t dying because of content or bias. They are dying because of they are hemorrhaging advertising dollars as rates fall and classified ads can be place for free on the internet. I would say that Craigslist has more to do with the collapse of the newspaper then bloggers.

Well, no. Newspapers are dying because their readership is falling and advertisers are not willing to pay exorbitant rates for fewer eyes seeing their ads. And readership is falling because - given a choice -few people wish to pay for being insulted. It may work for Don Rickles, but my local papers is no Don Rickles.

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