
Friday, March 20, 2009

Leonard Pitts in Delusions of Adequacy

Leonard Pitts, nationally syndicated Black columnist – and a contributor to the Virginian Pilot – brags about the scoops the MSM has broken: Larry Craig’s “wide stance” and Kwame Kilpatrick canoodling. In an article deploring the decline of newspapers he claims that they provide a service that's irreplaceable. If this is the best that Pitts can do, the MSM can’t die fast enough, because this is simpy crap.

The MSM has simply become malevolent. it's so used to insulting it's customers that Pitts provides one glaring example in his screed:
And yes, I know some putative conservatives, displaying their usual delusions of potency, are gloating over all that.
Thanks, Leonard, for not letting us down and having to search your other columns for your classic insult. Can we say affirmative action hire?

He conveniently forgets to mention Dan Rather’s forged documents, but I digress.

Pitts believes that it’s the MSM that is the one institution which is capable of “holding accountable the mayor, the governor, the local magnates and potentates for how they spend your money, run your institutions, validate or violate your trust.”

Thanks, but that role was abandoned long ago. Today, people like Leonard are shills for the powers that be - perhaps hoping for a bailout from their patrons in government.

In fact, it’s the Internet that’s finding the truth in the fog of “facts’ that this government and the MSM is peddling. The idea that the MSM is holding anyone to account is a joke, and a sad joke at that.

The example du jour: it was on Rush Limbaugh today that I heard that Tim Geithner lied about when he heard about the AIG bonuses. The MSM had simply been repeating Team Obama's talking points.

It was a full week before he claimed to have learned, in congressional testimony, that he was asked about it by Joe Crowley, Democrat of New York. Which means that Crowley and undoubtedly other members of congress knew about it at least a two weeks before the story hit the news and all the members of congress claimed to have been blindsided in one of the most shameless and sickening display of fake outrage it has ever been my misfortune to experience.

And who broke the story? The vaunted MSM? No!

It was a blogger Ed Morrissey and a radio show host Rush Limbaugh who told the American public about this. And the MSM? They’re still stuck on stupid.

In other words, everyone knew about these bonuses. Congress even knew enough about it to question Geithner on it, with remarkable accuracy on the total amount due to be paid out, on March 3rd — nine days before Geithner initially claimed to know about it.
This whole episode has been a farce perpetrated by Congress and the administration to stoke artificial outrage over contractual compensation obligations. It’s a freak show put on by Democrats. They’re giving us populist circuses in order to build a mob mentality — but for what purpose?

Why don't you apply your decades of journalistic powers to this question Leonard, and tell us why? Obama got your tongue? Why don't you ask Obama's teleprompter?

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