
Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama’s “Special Olympics” joke: The teleprompter made him do it!

Michelle Malkin

Jake Tapper reports that Barack Obama pulled a Joe Biden (or a Barack Obama, for that matter) and ended up mocking the Special Olympics in a lame attempt to make fun of his weak bowling skills. But of course, the White House says he “in no way intended to disparage the Special Olympics.” You be the judge:

The first appearance by a sitting president on “The Tonight Show” may well end up being the last.

President Obama, in his taping with Jay Leno Thursday afternoon, attempted to yuk it up with the funnyman, and ended up insulting the disabled.

Towards the end of his approximately 40-minute appearance, the president talked about how he’s gotten better at bowling and has been practicing in the White House bowling alley.

He bowled a 129, the president said.

“That’s very good, Mr. President,” Leno said sarcastically.

It’s “like the Special Olympics or something,” the president said.

When asked about the remark, the White House said the president did not intend to offend.

“The president made an off-hand remark making fun of his own bowling that was in no way intended to disparage the Special Olympics,” White House deputy press secretary Bill Burton said.

The Anchoress...

Sigh. One almost gets tired of saying it, but one must say it, still: Can you IMAGINE what the press and the Dems would do with that, had Bush said it. Can you IMAGINE what the press and the Dems would have done with the Irish PM Teleprompter gaffe (the press has helpfully embargoed the video, so Obama doesn’t have to see it playing 24/7, as Bush would have - had Bush so gaffed). Can you IMAGINE what the press and the Dems would have done if Bush had given the Prime Minister of Great Britain a lousy pack of 50 “Classic” DVD’s that didn’t work in the UK?
Another story the press isn’t actually covering…

Without the help of the press - hiding his mistakes, never asking a tough or uncomfortable question, not even curious enough to ask to see his grades in college - where would this guy be? I’m thinking he wouldn’t be in the Oval Office, right now, that’s for sure.

So, tonight, he gets forty minutes on Leno. Next week he’ll have all four networks ditching programming and losing money for him. Again.

When things get hot, when the polling isn’t going right, when he feels unloved, or he needs to be happy, he gets on his big, expensive-to-run Air Force One, with his limos, etc, and he steps before the camera.

Gonna be a long four years.

Ed Morrissey writes: You know how you can tell when a President has a bad day? When his comparison of an American corporation to terrorists is the second-stupidest thing he said…

This sort of thing may be fun for the commentators and may provide lots of fodder for Rush Limbaugh, but we live in this country and having a "Special Olympics Affirmative Action President" is not a joke.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:06 AM

    No, it is not funny-nor are Special Olympics athletes "disabled." Cars can be disabled, people live with intellectual disabilities.

    President Obama needs to go to the Special Olympics settings experience their world in their world. Inviting them to the White House to play some basketball and bowl in his environment perpetuates the less then attitude he displayed on the Leno show.
