
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tales of Totus, the President’s Teleprompter

Peter Baker at the NY Times writes an article about Obama's teleprompter. It's really a defense of Obama as much as a commentary on an item that has been much discussed on the Internet.


Notice anything missing from Tuesday night’s presidential news conference? Those teleprompters that generated so much attention at President Obama’s first prime-time session with reporters were gone. Or actually, just out of sight.

The White House replaced the tall, thin teleprompters that were standing to Mr. Obama’s right and left in the East Room a month ago and instead set up a large screen behind the reporters – and out of the camera shot. “Remarks of President Barack Obama Press Conference Tuesday March 24 2009 Washington DC,” it said as journalists arrived.

As a result of the change, Mr. Obama looked straight into the camera as he delivered his opening statement, allowing him to address tens of millions of viewers more directly. The screen only displayed his prepared remarks at the start of the session and offered no assistance when it came time to answer questions, so for most of the session he still appeared to be addressing the reporters in the room even though his message was really intended for those watching at home.

But read the comments. Baker is attacked for even bringing the subject up.

And the MSM wonders why they aren’t getting called on in pressers? Maybe it’s because they’re all doing stories on things like teleprompters. Here’s betting that the questions the President gets & answers in the online townhall are far better and far more representative of Americans questions & concerns than anything he gets from the MSM.


What a waste of time… one cares about this but the nit picking corporate media talking heads


Why is NYT writing about this stuff. This is stupid. ...


Why is the MSM picking up right-wing talking points?


It is really pathetic when the press lets themselves get lead around by the nose by the RW freaks.

Well, you understand that this is the NY Times readership.

I left also left a comment (awaiting moderator approval)...

“Leave Brittany …. sorry …. Barack …. alone.”

That’s what went though my mind reading all the whining by the defenders of “The Big O.”

Isn’t it time for a video?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    My comments:

    "I don’t understand why the nitpickers even have to ask why Mr. Obama would choose to rely on teleprompters."

    We already know why. Off teleprompter, Obama is a self-aggrandizing, inarticulate ("uh ah, I cant hear myself talk"), neo-marxist buffoon over his head as President.

    But with good reading skills and a good puppet-masters (Rahm, Axelrod etal) his teleprompter'd lies sound almost as convincing as Bill Clinton's.

    The koolaid drinkers will adore even his Special Olympics level statements, the stars in their eyes stop them from seeing reality. Of course the media helps - Obama has said things far dumber than anything GWBush said, like talking of 'fallen heroes in the audience' etc., but the media ignores it.


    "After all, we have a crisis on our hands."

    You are right, we have a crisis. The crisis is that we have an inexperienced neo-marxist running our country and planning the bankrupt America as the 'cure' for a cyclical recession.

    "Ppeople are losing their jobs, homes, 401K (not to mention people in other countries that are suffering as a result of this econimic melt down)"
    ... yes, and Obama's tax hikes, his cap-and-trade attack on the energy sector, his overspending, his socializing healthcare, and his attempt to nationalize banks are (ab)using the current crisis to turn USA into a no-longer-free country.

    That is a crisis indeed, but one the Oba-media will sweep under the rug since they actually approve of Obama's dictatorial agenda.
