
Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Quayling of Sarah

David Stokes has some thoughts on the the continuing effort to denigrate Sarah Palin by members of the Left. They see her popularity with the Republican base as a threat ... as do the country-club Republicans in her own party. So they beat, beat, beat on the theme that she is a brainless twit rather than a successful and popular Governor who took on the unsavory leaders in her won party and beat them.

Chris Matthews talked recently about Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s new book deal.

“Plus, Sarah Palin – now don’t laugh – is writing a book. Not just reading a book: writing a book. Actually, in the word of the publisher, she’s collaborating on a book. I love the way that sounds. Does that mean that she answers questions of the writer, and then the writer writes the book? I guess the reason to have someone write a book for you and claim it’s your book is you get to do a nation-wide book tour, and act the part of a, of an author yourself.”

Stokes notes that if Sarah isn't writing the book by herself she is following in the footsteps of JFK who had his book "Profiles in Courage" ghost written by Theodore Sorensen. And then had his wealthy daddy buy him a Pulitzer prize for it.

The difference is that Sarah is a self-made woman, not the scion of a famous and wealthy bootlegger and stock market manipulator ... and I can guarantee you it will not win a Pulitzer.

But it reminds me of the column written just the other day by Victor Davis Hanson on Sarah's First 100 Days. What an outstanding demonstration of the mind-bending partisanship of the MSM.


  1. thisishabitforming9:51 AM

    If Sarah Palin was so stupid, so irrelevant, so (pick your own derogatory term), why all the fuss?
    The left is scared to death of her because they know more than anyone how affective she is. Add to that the Ambitious Boys Club of the Republican Party which also feels threatened by her. She is charismatic.

    Here's a little secret, McCain/Palin made a race out of not because of McCain.

  2. Palin's book will be the most scrutinized book ever written in modern times. Her enemies will buy half the books sold. She knows this, and for that very reason, it will be a carefully crafted masterpiece, with everything checked and rechecked, and every i dotted, every t crossed. Her critics will be left with little argument but to scream about having a collaborator. At least she will acknowledge having one, unlike Hillary Clinton. Besides, most of her critics have little to do but run their mouths for an hour or so every day, while she, on the other hand, is extremely busy, running her state, being a wife, and a mother of a large family. My prediction is that her book will be a runaway best seller based on pre-release sales alone, and will remain on the best sellers list for a long time.
