
Friday, August 14, 2009

The Etiquette Czar's Rules for Patriotic Protest

The Left's rules for how the rest of America is allowed to protest.

The White House press office is now Miss Manners' office. President Obama's press secretary, Robert Gibbs, took to the television airwaves this week to criticize congressional town hall protesters for "yelling." Gibbs' underling, Bill Burton, chastised voters not to "disrupt" and "scream." Instead, he advised America to engage in a "spirited debate about health care, a real vigorous conversation about it."

What constitutes "spirited"? How do they define "vigorous"? When does forceful dissent become intolerable disruption? Herewith, the Obama Etiquette Czar's Official Rules for Patriotic Protest. Keep this guide with you at all times to avoid being flagged by the Democratic politeness monitors.
Limit your objections to a library whisper and only challenge your lawmakers with hushed, dulcet tones....

If, on the other hand, you are attending a presidential town hall to show your affection and approbation, "spirited" chanting is acceptable.

1 comment:

  1. thisishabitforming7:00 AM

    Bill Cosby had a hilarious routine about the rules for fighting the American Revolution. In Bill's rules, the British Redcoats had to march in straight lines, and the colonists could hide behind stone fence rows and trees and pick them off.
    Its much the same with the Obamites, the children of the protest movements, they want to lay down the rules for protesting. We have to stop showing up at rallies and asking questions and they get to stage events. The most humorous part is that they accuse us of staging events; so to counter our folks they bus in the SEIU and ACORN with their factory produced signs and chanting "What do we want?" "Health Care!" "When do we want it?" "Now!". And they do it all with a straight face.
    Like the Obama Montana Town Hall, they told us the tickets were handed out at random. Who are they kidding?
