
Monday, August 10, 2009

‘I Am the Mob’: Video From Tucson Protest Finds Out Who’s Really Demonstrating

This evening on Special Report with Brett Baer, the panel unanimously concluded that Republicans were hurting themselves with their demonstrations during town-hall meetings with Democrat legislators. I have a great deal of respect for some of these people – well one - Charles Krauthammer. But after hearing him pontificate, I had to ask what universe he inhabited.

Mort Kondracke started it off by complaining about the treatment his special constituencies –members of congress – were getting from the people in flyover-country. They should be more respectful of authority, Mort believes.

I have noted that Mr. Krauthammer – while possessing a first class intellect – seems to have limited his analysis of the country’s reaction to the demonstrations by reading the NY Times and its echo chamber in the MSM. It is now apparent that people like Paul Krugman and the other editorialist at the Times are now preaching almost exclusively to the choir, with almost no ability to persuade the un-persuaded.

While the people in the country were demonstrating, the polls for Obama and ObamaCare were plunging. That backlash that Mr. Krauthammer and Kondracke seem to be seeing is nowhere apparent.

What is actually happening is that people are coalescing around like-minded people and coming out to town-hall meetings and ad-hoc demonstrations outside of congressional offices. They are finding that lots of people just like themselves – ordinary people, stay-at-home moms, retirees and ordinary working people were taking an hour or two out of their day to come out into the street to make themselves heard.

They are not content to listen respectfully to their members of congress who in their hubris need to be reminded – forcefully – that they are not some superior class or race; that they work for us, not we for them. They are not willing any longer to be told to shut up and sit down while their betters make up the rules by which their lives will be ruled.

And that includes the panelists on Special Report.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I used to watch Special Report faithfully when Brit did it. Then I found that it overlapped Mark Levin on the radio.

    My wife likes the panel (Krauthammer) so we usually tune them in.

    I have little use for them.. They pontificate routinely on subjects they know little about. Everything is reduced to the political calculation--who gains who loses; very little regard for what is good for the country. Krauthammer usually pontificates on our side, unless we don't measure up to his lofty standings.

    On the protests, it is obviously the Elites vs the rank and file once more. I am personally thrilled that the Conservative little guys are getting passionate. It has the Dimocrats on their heels and that is a good thing. It also has them talking about who is really "astroturfing", and not about their program. It is causing masks to slip from Obama , Pelosi, et al. That is also a good thing.
