
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Obama ought to read section 1233 of HR 3200

The fact that Obama does not actually have a Health Care Plan in writing is both an advantage and a problem ... because the Democrats in congress do.

You can only go so far with glittering generalities ... all the way to the White House.
Does anyone imagine that Barack Obama has sat down with HR 3200 and studied Section 1233 which concerns advanced care planning consultations? Has he seriously considered the implications of the language? Has he, or any supporters of his reforms, even attempted to refute these concerns by referring to the text of the provisions in question? He's a brilliant Harvard lawyer and U of C law professor. Why doesn't he go through the troubling language and show us why we shouldn't be concerned? This is right up his alley. Instead we get this:

The rumor that's been circulating a lot lately is this idea that somehow the House of Representatives voted for "death panels" that will basically pull the plug on grandma because we've decided that we don't -- it's too expensive to let her live anymore. (Laughter.) And there are various -- there are some variations on this theme.

He goes on to speculate about the intentions of the writers of the provisions and the sources of the "rumors." None of this addresses the language of the bill.

We disagree about is brilliance. We have him pegged as a good looking Marxist BS artist.

1 comment:

  1. A serious Question: Is this guy actually educated? He can't put two words together (sans teleprompter) without tripping over his forked tongue. Is he trying to talk down to us, thinking we're a bunch of redneck morons, or did he get his diploma, degree, whatever the h*** it was by filling in an add on a matchbook cover? I'm sick to death of listening to the useless drivel coming out of his piehole. And while I'm on a rant, has anyone asked him yet if he has actually read the bill? Any bill? Sheesh!


