
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Preparing the language battlefield on "Health Care"

Team Obama had it all worked out: the language to be used to convince the people of the country that the government should run health care.

Helmuth von Moltke said that "no plan survives contact with the enemy." And that has become very apparent with the Obama plan. He has been busy on defense while the forces of freedom are on the attack.

Jonathan Weisman in the Wall Street Journal:

In the rhetorical battle over health care, the forces backing President Barack Obama's overhaul have spent years polling and using focus groups to find the precise language that would win over voters -- an effort that doesn't at the moment appear to be working.

The entire article is worth reading to learn the cast of characters who formulated this plan, including tha AARP, SEIU, The American Cancer Society and Families USA (a very Liberal foundation funded in part by George Soros).

But Dr. Crittenden said no one anticipated the charges that the Obama program would include "death panels" or advocate euthanasia. Perhaps more important, said Lake Research head Celinda Lake, no one foresaw the intensity of protests at town-hall meetings.

"To the extent that we're getting our message out, it's been very influenced by Herndon work. But Dr. Crittenden said no one anticipated the charges that the Obama program would include "death panels" or advocate euthanasia. Perhaps more important, said Lake Research head Celinda Lake, no one foresaw the intensity of protests at town-hall meetings.

"To the extent that we're getting our message out, it's been very influenced by Herndon work. Our biggest problem is it's not getting out," Ms. Lake said.

Oh, I think your message is getting out Celinda. Like most Civil War generals, you expected this to be a brief series of set piece battles with Team Obama in command of the battlefield.

You expected a signing ceremony in August, before anyone knew the details of the plan. You did not keep your eye on your flanks: the Tea Parties that organized and grew well before the health care plan was written. You were flanked by the people you called "tea baggers" and your forces are retreating.

Time to find reinforcements; get help from the loony Left by attacking Bush again.

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