
Monday, August 24, 2009

A "profanity-laced screaming match" at the White House involving CIA Director Leon Panetta

Leon Panetta is a loyal Democrat but he's also loyal to his country. So when Team Obama decides to put operatives in his agency in jail he had a fit. These are people who risked their lives to extract information from the most intransigent Jihadist to protect the American people from further attacks after 9/11. And now the second-guessers, the lawyers whose primary risk is a paper cut, will decide if they acted "appropriately."

Eric Holder is a mendacious and corrupt slime ball who aided Bill Clinton in is pardon of Marc Rich. He's now Obama's consigliore and appears to be ready to ruin good men with the courts. Because if you have to defend yourself from the federal government, you will be financially ruined, win or lose.

As Director in 2009, my primary interest-when it comes to a program that no longer exists-is to stand up for those officers who did what their country asked and who followed the legal guidance they were given. That is the President's position, too. The CIA was aggressive over the years in seeking new opinions from the Department of Justice as the legal landscape changed. The Agency sought and received multiple written assurances that its methods were lawful. The CIA has a strong record in terms of following legal guidance and informing the Department of Justice of potentially illegal conduct.

I make no judgments on the accuracy of the 2004 IG report or the various views expressed about it. Nor am I eager to enter the debate, already politicized, over the ultimate utility of the Agency's past detention and interrogation effort. But this much is clear: The CIA obtained intelligence from high-value detainees when inside information on al-Qa'ida was in short supply. Whether this was the only way to obtain that information will remain a legitimate area of dispute, with Americans holding a range of views on the methods used. The CIA requested and received legal guidance and referred allegations of abuse to the Department of Justice. President Obama has established new policies for interrogation.

The CIA must also keep its focus on the primary responsibility of protecting the country. America is a nation at war. This Agency plays a decisive role in helping the United States meet the full range of security threats and opportunities overseas. That starts with the continuing fight against al-Qa'ida and its sympathizers. There, alongside all its other contributions, the CIA is helping our government chart a new way forward on interrogation, one in keeping with the President's Executive Order of January 22nd. You, the men and women of this great institution, do the hard work and take the tough risks that intelligence and espionage demand.


  1. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Damn right about the lawyers. To hell with laws and all that pansy stuff. Let the real men do the business and don't tie their hands. While we're at it, I would second any of these patriotic operatives to our big-city police forces. They could use a few lessons in the RIGHT way to treat criminals and degenerates and protect the decent people of this country!

  2. Anon.

    Sarcasm should be nuanced. Yours is just juvenile.
