
Saturday, October 24, 2009

CNBC silencing criticism of Obama?

Via The Right Scoop, a moment where the business news network appears to earn its Obama Seal of Approval as a White House-approved news organization. Actually, this is rather mild, considering; the host of the show could have told her analyst that he had ceased being a real business reporter. Unfortunately, when discussing the impact of the Pay Czar on Wall Street, one cannot divorce politics from business, since Barack Obama (and to be fair, George Bush) married them so closely over the last twelve months.


  1. thisishabitforming3:48 PM

    Gosh you would almost think the memo came down from above that any and all criticism of Obama was to be squelched at NBC. But I'm sure that would never happen with a free press.

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    GE the owner of CNBC is in deep in Commercial real estate and lending. They except for alot of government support via FDIC gurantee's of their debt are history. There was a stretch where they were very negative of Obama especially Cramer an admitted democrat and their was a 180 degree change. Immelt is also wrapped in a variety of White House groups. They traded their independence for survival.
