
Monday, November 02, 2009

Barack Obama's Spiritual Mentor Brands the US as the "Land of the Greed and the Home of the Slave."

But we are all sure in the 20 years Barack, Michelle and the kids attended his church he never heard anything like this ... right .... right?

John Hinderaker at Powerline ....

"Land of the greed, home of the slave." Wright always could turn a phrase.

One wonders, though: Obama says that Wright brought him to Christianity; in Wright, Obama finally found a form of the religion to which he could relate. In Wright's speeches and writings, it is impossible to separate his "Christian" beliefs--I do not accept that his hate-filled rants are, in fact, Christian--from his socialist, anti-American views. I don't know how to escape the conclusion that anti-American socialism, wrapped in a thin veneer of Christian jargon, was exactly what Barack Obama knew he was getting when he chose Wright as his spiritual mentor. And how could this happen, unless Obama shares, to a considerable degree, the same anti-American, socialist world-view?

If that's true, it would explain a lot of what we have seen from President Obama in his first nine months in office.

Indeed. It is becoming more and more clear that the President hates America.


  1. thisishabitforming6:21 AM

    Land of the Greed and home of the Slave, he's talking about himself and Jesse and Al right? Jesse and Al don't look po' to me, but they need to keep their brothers enslaved to their past so they can live off of their victimhood. If Rev Wright, Jesse, and Al were so concerned about the po' then maybe they would be willing to part with some of their money and fancy houses in order to help the brothers in the hood. I don't remember that Mother Theresa had fancy house to go to when she went home from ministering on the streets of Calcutta.

  2. Hi,
    I like this article but..
    Can someone tell me about Barack Obama..
    I know that he is a serious candidate for '08, but I would like to know where he stands on the issues. I checked his site but nowhere can I find the info. i am looking for.
    so please tell me...
