
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"...a gang of arrogant bullies..."

I was going to start this essay with the question: are the people who work for the Virginian Pilot “teabaggers?” Let me explain how that term has come to relate to the “arrogant bullies” part of the headline.

About a year ago, a middle class revolt began by people who called their meetings “tea parties.” The MSM (or as Rush Limbaugh characterizes them, the “State Run Media” for their slavish devotion to the Obama administration), beginning with the execrable Anderson Cooper, began to snigger and call the Tea Party goers “teabaggers.” No one outside of the environs of the media (and the sexually perverse) knew that this was a reference to a sex act. Just to be clear, “teabagging” refers to the sex act in which a male places his scrotum in the mouth of his partner. This is the kind of perverse sophomoric put-down that represents the sum total of Liberal discussion of conservatives and their ideas. It’s representative of the arrogance and the intellectual bullying that the Left engages in. An in-joke that’s intended to demean and insult. And it’s caught on in an administration that thrives on the ability to demean and insult. Obama himself now refers to the Tea Party protesters as teabaggers. It’s all of a piece with giving the finger to his debate opponents, his telling Hillary that she’s “likeable enough” and referring to Sarah Palin as a pig. It’s the sort of thing that people do whose development is arrested. It’s the sort of thing that people do who have contempt for ordinary people. It’s the arrogant bullying of the “in crowd” in Mean Girls.

John Stossel describes the way that Liberals want to run our lives. It’s the reason behind their desire to take over the health care industry. There are literally dozens of ways of getting uninsured people health insurance, at less cost and with less disruption of the current system. But the desire for control is overwhelming in Liberalism; they can’t help themselves.

The arrogance of the self anointed Liberal elite is breathtaking.

It's not that taxes don't anger me. They do. But I'm more angry about the arrogance of the ruling class. It reminds me of Walter Williams' riff: "Politicians are worse than thieves. At least when thieves take your money, they don't expect you to thank them for it."

Taxes, even counting hidden taxes, are not the real measure of what the thieves take. The true burden of government, the late Milton Friedman said, is the spending level. Taxation is just one way government gets money. The other ways -- borrowing and inflation -- are equally burdens on the people. (State governments can't inflate, but they sure can borrow.)

O'Reilly told me that America is ready for a tax revolt. I hope he's right. But I don't think it will happen until more people see the ruling elite for what it is: a gang of arrogant bullies that has the audacity to believe that they know how to direct our lives better than we do.

That's why, bad as the taxes are, I'm more upset about ObamaCare, Medicare, the "stimulus," the auto bailout, the bank bailouts, the Fannie/Freddie bailouts, the trillions in guarantees, and on and on.

The politicians' spending schemes represent presumptuous interference in our lives. They are an assault on our autonomy.

Every day the newspaper has another call for government to do, to act, to control, to regulate, all for “our own good.” Never a call for getting out of our lives, leaving us alone, providing a space to breathe free of the overwhelming power of the almighty State. They’re “teabaggers.” And not in a nice way.

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