
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Glenn Reynolds: "The Obama magic has faded"

The Obama invincibility that was so much in evidence then seems to have lost its power. People can argue the reasons why these elections, all in places Obama carried handily, were so close. But if he were the political marvel he was thought to be, these races wouldn’t have been contests, but walkovers. So one consequence of this Election Day is the end of his special political magic. ...

That’s no surprise — as that magic was a largely substanceless froth whipped up by campaign consultants and compliant big-media cheerleaders.

Republicans, who were prepared to give Obama the benefit of the doubt a year ago, now can’t stand him. Independents who voted for him are deserting in droves. And Democrats don’t seem that happy either.

Obama never held any “magic” for me and I’m puzzled by the fact that he appears to have attracted so many idolaters. Don’t reasonable people ask what someone is promising when they try to sell you something, and doesn’t vaporous blathering of “Hope N’ Change” make you wonder what’s in the snake oil? Don’t we get a feel for someone by the company they keep? If your next best buddy hangs with the Bloods and the Crips does that tell you something?

The secret is in what I have referred to many times (and Obama has written about): Obama has the ability to project a mirror in front of himself in which people of a certain easily persuaded bent see themselves. Liberals wanted to believe and so they saw in him the embodiment of all their desires, including the forgiveness of their sin of racism.

Many people will never admit they made a mistake. One sees it every day in the investment business: hopefully clinging to stocks that go ever downward, hoping that something will happen to justify their original decision. They are the true believers in the Obama dream.

But for the partially deluded – or simply for the hopeful – the reality of an Obama Presidency has been a cold shower, a wakeup call that “Hope N’ Change” is not a policy and that hanging around with Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers means you are comfortable with black racists and terrorist bombers. Gradually that iconic image is turning sinister as Jesus is transformed into the Joker.

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