
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Government, having solved all the big problems, decides to invade our lives.

Dennis Gartman reminds us how intrusive the government actually is.

...the government is moving leftward rapidly here in the US, and as it moves leftward it becomes more and more intrusive into the day-to-day lives of the American people. The federal government mandates the size of our toilets; it mandates the water than can be pushed through our shower heads; it mandates fuel usage for automobiles; it has moved to stop the use of various bats in children’s’ baseball games; it mandates that children wear helmets when riding bicycles… and the list goes on. The Left makes these decisions because it believes it knows better how our lives are to be managed. This is nonsense, and it is becoming worse.

We note then that Dennis Kucinich, one of the most far-left-of-centre Congressmen from our former home state of Ohio, has proposed legislation that will disallow any tax deductions as a business expense for any advertising that is directed at children! What right does Mr. Kucinich have to tell the advertising companies of the US to whom they can advertise and why? Where in the Constitution is the power to regulate advertising to children granted to Congress? Which amendment was adopted that would allow Kucinich to even put this sort of legislation forward? We have read and re-read our copy of the Constitution, and the word “advertising” is not mentioned once! Yet, this sort of legislation has a good chance of passing.

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