
Friday, November 27, 2009

The Media Has As Much Invested In the Global Warming Hoax As The Hoaxers. "Keep the Hoax Alive."

The desperate denial on the part of the press that global warming is a hoax is testimony to the fact that they have as much invested in the hoax as the hoaxers themselves.

This is obvious for two reasons.

Global warming is the perfect vehicle for government control of … pretty much everything. As a vehicle for fascism, it’s right up there with government control of health care. The twenty-first century world’s energy – with the exception of primitive areas where human and animal energy predominates – is based on carbon based fuels. Outlaw those, and demand that people do with less or pay staggeringly high prices for alternative energy sources and you put modern humanity in a government hammerlock. And the media are dominated by people for whom government control is a “good thing” as Martha Stewart would say. Name a problem and no newspaper editorial board will pause a nanosecond before proposing a government solution. “There ought to be a law” is the cry of every publisher, editor and reporter still working in the newspaper industry.

The press, having acted as the pipeline through which the hoax has been transmitted to a gullible public, owns the lie. A few analogies come to mind. The press owns the image of Obama as smart, wise, cool and capable; able to end racial divisions, lower ocean levels and end war and strife by doing things “smart.” He was the savior they were looking for. That’s what they sold us as they shoveled his unsavory associates and lack of any meaningful experience down the memory hole as fast as they could. That’s the theme as they talk about “green shoots” and an improving economy even as hundreds of thousands more apply for unemployment each month. That’s the theme as rogue states around the world join the nuclear club and Russia reasserts its dominance in Eastern Europe. They cannot disown him without disowning their own hype and so they won’t. In the press, Obama will be Christ, FDR and Lincoln in one package even as the rest of the world begins to titter at our man-child “leader.” The other analogy is an oil pipeline. The pipeline is as much dependent on the oil as the oil producers themselves. Stop the oil and the pipeline is useless. End the global warming hoax and lots of white space shows up in your daily contribution to solid waste pollution - your newspaper. Besides, the people who work in newspaper offices, graduates with degrees in English Lit and Journalism, actually believe this stuff.

So the press will fight tooth and nail to keep the hoax alive.

How’s that Hope-N-Change working out for you?

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