
Monday, December 07, 2009

National Press Club Songs

The National Press Club held an event at which Barney Frank & Sarah Palin co-hosted. They took the opportunity to sing a parody song lampooning Rush Limbaugh. With all of the events in the news, it's amazing how fixated these goons are by dissent in the media in the form of Limbaugh, Beck and Fox News.

Here is one person's response (it's both funnier than their song and more politically incorrect):

On the first day of Christmas, Obama gave to me: World government based on one tree.

On the second day of Christmas, Obama gave to me: a two trillion dollar deficit

On the third day of Christmas, Obama gave to me: Three bows to foreign rulers

On the fourth day of Christmas, Obama gave to me: forearms as toned as Rolo's

On the fifth day of Christmas, Obama gave to me: Five reasons why its all Bush's fault

On the sixth day of Christmas, Obama gave to me: six hours to vote on a thousand page trillion dollar bill (or the world would end)

On the seventh day of Christmas, Obama gave to me: Seven nice things from the British he re-gifted

On the eight day of Christmas, Obama gave to me: Eight allies he'd screwed over

On the ninth day of Christmas, Obama gave to me: Nine months to decide on Afghanistan

On the tenth day of Christmas, Obama gave to me: Ten percent unemployment

On the eleventh day of Christmas, Obama gave to me: lots of eleventh-hour resignations

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Obama gave to me: Twelve carols schoolteachers wrote to him

1 comment:

  1. The dinner was hosted by the Gridiron Club, not the National Press Club.

    Donna Leinwand
    National Press Club
