
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Obama Imitates Saturday Night Live Skit

Via Ann Althouse

Jiabao: Are those flowers on the table for me?

Obama: What?

Jiabao: I said, are those flowers on the table for me?

Obama: I don't understand. Why would I bring you flowers?

Jiabao: Because I like to be brought flowers when someone is trying to have sex with me!

The reference is to this SNL skit.

Welcome Instapundit readers. I can't take credit for the translation, blame AC245 at Althouse. For a more serious note check out The Past Eight Years.


  1. So we borrow billions from the Chinese....

    And then we give the Chinese billions of dollars a year for global warming.

    Corrupt clowns doing what corrupt clowns do.

  2. Just to get the translation right, it's "trying to do sex to me!"

  3. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Mr. Obama, what means "Cash for Crunkers?". We do not accept payment in crunkers...

  4. "...anyway like I was saying a bowling ball is about this big and weighs about ten or twelve pounds --that's be about five kilos in China talk --pretty heavy. Anyway that joke you're upset about had nothing to do with the Beijing Olympics anyway --it was the special olympics --and the media just exaggerated the hell out of it because they just swoon over Hillary so much --anyway that reminds me --have you seen her lately? She got more chins than a Chinese telephone directory --anyway you hold the ball like this and you aim down the lane at these ten white mens, i mean pins, and the idea is you roll the ball down there and knock 'em down, see, and whoever knocks down the most of 'em wins, see, and ya have a better chance if you da one keeping score, ha ha, like your elections, get it? get it? No? Well anyway, there I was, holding the ball like this, and and and --say what the heck are you looking at me like that for? Do i got a piece o' egg foo sukiyaki in my teeth? Heck, "call the cameras" in my country, America, ha hah, get it? Get it? No? well the press see, they just do whatever they want, and anyway...."

  5. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Yeah, she can be a real bitch, but she's got this incredible onion butt...

  6. Anonymous10:08 AM

    If you heard his post-Dopenhagen remarks off-teleprompter, you realize that all the criticism of the SNL impersonator for not even sounding like Obama was premature!

    Obama now sounds exactly like his imitator, but perhaps slightly less genuine!

  7. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Can't take credit for this post:
    "Dad, if you can just loan me thirty more dollars until next Tuesday... I've got my stereo up on Craig's list and I've lowered the price so I'm sure someone will buy it... Mom still owes me four dollars for the B+'s I got on my last report card. Pleeeze, Dad, I neeeed the money and I promise to pay it back, if not next Tuesday, then by one after that for sure."
