
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

NRA News: UN Doomsday Treaty With Ginny Simone

This is worth watching ...

The people who wish to deprive you of your individual rights to defend yourself are wealthy, upper class, influential intellectuals. They can afford their own protective forces. They can demand and get real-time police protection. For the vast majority, police are a reactive force who come to the crime scene after your are victimized.

I was recently burglarized in broad daylight, the thieves carrying off a flat screen TV, a favorite of the current crop of burglars. The police showed up about 15 minutes after I called on arriving home. At least 5 officers eventually showed up at my home over a two hour period after my discovery. They were polite, searched the house for the burglars who were long gone, took some pictures and dusted for prints. There is zero chance that I will get my TV back. But that's what police do for the ordinary citizen: take notes and records after the crime has been committed and the perpetrators have left. Sometimes the criminal is particularly stupid and leaves witnesses; but most crimes are never solved and police are not responsible for preventing crimes. The best the can hope for is catching the criminal. And that's not much recompense for someone who home or body has been violated.

An armed citizenry is not a perfect solution, but protecting oneself with locks, alarm systems and - eventually - guns is better than waiting for the police to mark off the crime scene.

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