
Sunday, March 28, 2010

White men shun Democrats

Millions of white men who voted for Barack Obama are walking away from the Democratic Party, and it appears increasingly likely that they'll take the midterms elections in November with them. Their departure could well lead to a GOP landslide on a scale not seen since 1994.

Thinking white men never fell for the Hope and Change crap sandwich.

1 comment:

  1. A sad commentary on the ability of reporters in America to address issues. As it turns out the policies of Obama and the Democrats are driving EVERYBODY away from their party. White men, the whipping boys" of the past score of years - proportionately receive less and less societal support while other demographics gain. But policies trump any other aspect of a politically correct America. The Democrat policies of unsecured mortgages pushed by the Democrats and Acorn (Including Obama) the past decade led by stages to the current financial destruction. Yes banks and wall street were sucked in but only after the policy drove the banks to make the worthless loans. The Democrat plan appears to continue the same path as if more fuel will put out the fire !! It is not just "white" males that see the folly of this kind of policy. EVERYBODY with any kind of common sense can see it.
