
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Liberal Hate, Liberal Name Calling. End The Violence!

This is how Liberals, black and white, keep "their" people in line: (AP via Breitbart)

They've been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea party movement—and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation's first black president.

"I've been told I hate myself. I've been called an Uncle Tom. I've been told I'm a spook at the door," said Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, a group of black conservatives who support free market principles and limited government. ...

The media narrative is that the Tea Party people are just nasty pasty-white redneck racists, and evidence to the contrary is not going to appear in the media. It can be found in the Internet and in polls. But race is such a handy and well used weapon on the Left that the remnants of the MSM can't help themselves.

Johnson and other black conservatives say they were drawn to the tea party movement because of what they consider its commonsense fiscal values of controlled spending, less taxes and smaller government. The fact that they're black—or that most tea partyers are white—should have nothing to do with it, they say.

"You have to be honest and true to yourself. What am I supposed to do, vote Democratic just to be popular? Just to fit in?" asked Clifton Bazar, a 45-year-old New Jersey freelance photographer and conservative blogger.

Opponents have branded the tea party as a group of racists hiding behind economic concerns—and reports that some tea partyers were lobbing racist slurs at black congressmen during last month's heated health care vote give them ammunition.

But these black conservatives don't consider racism representative of the movement as a whole—or race a reason to support it.

When 95% of a race (or ethnic group) supports a member of that group, can you detect an element of racism? Honestly? Is this blatant manifestation of racial solidarity to never be mentioned?

Black voters have overwhelmingly backed Democratic candidates, support that has only grown in recent years. In 2004, presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry won 88 percent of the black vote; four years later, 95 percent of black voters cast ballots for Obama...

"I've gotten the statement, 'How can you not support the brother?'" said David Webb, an organizer of New York City's Tea Party 365, Inc. movement and a conservative radio personality.

Tell me again how "supporting the brother" is NOT a demand for racial identity politics. There is still a remnant of racism in this country, as there is in every country. But it mainly surfaces and is openly expressed in Liberal circles.

Wnat to hear what Liberals say to Conservative blacks?

As Vivian Paige would say "Stop it!"

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