
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Plot to kill cops in NYC. Since it was black gangbangers the media pundits (i.e. the usual suspects) ignore it.

If it had been militia types running around the woods in Michigan, or Tea Partiers the hysterical bedwetters writing for the mainstream media would be in full cry predicting an armed rebellion by "violent right wing extremists." But since it was none of these .... never mind. In fact, cops getting killed by violent black gangs is part of the urban landscape. No reason for comment and no need to worry. According to the pundits, it's white middle class business people and moms that are the real threat to our country.

Bill Clinton , disbarred lawyer, serial adulterer and accused rapist, takes the opportunity to brand Tea Partiers as the next Timothy McVeigh.

The usually cool and even handed Glenn Reynolds on remembering the real Clinton:

Meanwhile, remember how the left went crazy over Ari Fleischer’s advice to “watch what you say?” But now Bill Clinton is comparing Tea Partiers to Tim McVeigh and proffering rather Fleischeresque advice. Maybe Clinton should watch what he says, when it comes to branding large numbers of nonviolent Americans as terrorists. But this statement serves as a useful reminder to those who have come to think of Clinton as some sort of cuddly, not-so-bad figure. He was a demagogue who would say whatever he thought might work when he was President, and he still is.

It worked for Clinton. He rescued his Presidency, regained his popularity by blaming the Oklahoma City bombing on Rush Limbaugh, and by association ... Republicans. Of course he could only get away with this with the compliant media. But then, he knew he had that.
Of course, Clinton is merely parroting what the media and the Democrats have been saying all along. It's the "gangster government" way.
One thing that Democrats always know is that the media covers their backs, trumpets their charges without ever questioning them and covers up their sins. The Tea Party demonstrators using the "N" word in front of the congressional black caucus is now accepted wisdom in newsrooms throughout the country. No evidence despite thousands of recording devices, but "who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?"

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