
Thursday, April 29, 2010

SWAT team outside Obama event beats back geriatric tea-party hordes

The crowd carried signs with messages ranging from “Give Us Liberty Not Debt” to yellow flags saying “Don’t Tread On Me.”

Urged on by people with megaphones, the crowd shouted slogans, among them “Remember in November” and “You work for us.”…

There were a few tense moments when the crowd moved west down York toward Third Street after the president’s motorcade arrived. A Secret Service agent asked the crowd to move back across the street to the north side.
When the crowd didn’t move and began singing “God Bless, America” and the national anthem, Quincy Deputy Police Chief Ron Dreyer called for members of the Mobile Field Force to walk up the street.

The cops were there for only 15 minutes but that was long enough for comedy gold. If you think the video’s funny, wait until you see Gateway Pundit’s photos. Calling all cars: Be on the lookout for an insurrectionist with blue hair…
From the Dana Show:
Who gave the order to call in the riot police on protesters? Word is that Secret Service from inside the venue and the presidential team pressured local law enforcement, who were against the idea. Local cops were overruled, I’m told by various sources, including a few members of local press. Moore reported that she overheard Secret Service telling the riot squad to “push them back, out of sight.“

Intimidation tactic. Plain and simple. There was no violence, no arguments, just a couple hundred patriots who sang patriotic songs and wore red, white, and blue. Unbelievable.

Doug Edelman identifies this man as the one who called in the riot squad and said to “push them back, out of sight.”

Is this a member of the SS?

1 comment:

  1. We could accommodate 75 people plus a dance floor inside the main room easily. The food was delicious and the ambiance was elegant, we loved it.
