
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Taking the Fight to the MSM: Andrew Breitbart At the Southern Republican Leadership Conference

Breitbart's Big Journalism:

On racism:

Why is it that the left is allowed to throw around the dangerous accusation of racism, without any evidence, as a means to malign half the country? Yet, if I want to use the word “socialist,” I have to go to the DNC and get a notary public to sign it for me.

On the famous Congressional Black Caucus walk through the Tea Partiers on Capitol Hill:

They were all fishing for hate, and they got nothing. So what did they do? They went to the mainstream media and they said that the ‘N-word’ was said fifteen times.

On the media assault on conservatives:

This is an attack on the American people. This is who the left is in this country, this is why they want to fundamentally change it because they think we’re inherently terrible and we need to be socially engineered.

On Saul Alinsky and the Left:

You’d better go get Rules for Radicals right now… the greatest thing that the left does, and it uses the the media to do it, is that it accuses you of what they’re doing to you.

On the Mainstream Media:

The Mainstream Media wanted Barack Obama elected.

Get in their faces. Never let up. If they punch us, punch back twice as hard. Good rules to live by when faced with the hate, bigotry and racism of the media. They never learned to handle backtalk. The media was all one-way. The narrative was theirs to create. Letters to the editor? If they didn't like the letter, it wasn't published. With an army of citizen reporters, with video equipment so cheap even your cell phone can be used to record events, the punks in the media are outnumbered and outgunned. All they have left is brooding, boiling, vituperative hate for half of the American people; people like you. They are Custer at the Little Big Horn. They still don't know what hit them.

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