
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Who's Inciting the Violence?

Is there a liberal columnist or reporter who has not accused the Right of incitement to violence? Think hard, and send me their names. This morning I scanned an op-ed by Kathleen Parker on the subject and she named names: Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. She also gave credence to the claim that Tea Party demonstrators shouted racial slurs at black congressmen including “civil rights hero” John Lewis. The fact that not one scintilla of evidence can be produced to back up these claims does not stop Parker from repeating them.

Change of scene: in New Orleans an aide to Republican Governor Bobby Jindal is stomped by a gang and her leg broken in five places.

Change of scene: Rally in front of the offices of Russ Carnahan where SEIU thugs beat the crap out of a small black man selling “Don’t tread on me” symbols.

So who inspired these actual violent acts? A very strong case can be made by Parker’s arguments in her column. All it takes is one unhinged individual, she says, inspired by a national voice. Or how about a whole chorus of voices throughout the country? People like Parker, like Donald Luzatto, like Frank Rich, people like … oh hell … is there a Liberal columnist who has not written this column in one form or another over the last several months? And what is supposed to go on in the minds of the loons on the Left, the muscle in the streets, when they are told that there is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy™ that is inciting the people they already hate and who have demonstrated that they are racists by calling John Lewis the “N” word? I’ll tell you what you get, and it’s not potential violence, it’s real and it’s here, in your face. It’s small black men and small white women lying bleeding in the street.

Thanks Kathleen. Keep it up, we’ll start the body count.

UPDATE 2: Via Gateway Pundit: Democratic donor Erik Lawrence Pidrman was arrested late Sunday for threatening to murder Republican Representative Ginny Brown-Waite.

UPDATE 3: Rush Limbaugh asks: "What words did I say that brought Timothy McVeigh to bomb the federal building in Oklahoma City?" here in McVeigh's own words is the reason he set the bomb:

I chose to bomb a federal building because such an action served more purposes than other options. Foremost, the bombing was a retaliatory strike; a counter attack, for the cumulative raids (and subsequent violence and damage) that federal agents had participated in over the preceding years (including, but not limited to, Waco.) From the formation of such units as the FBI's "Hostage Rescue" and other assault teams amongst federal agencies during the '80's; culminating in the Waco incident, federal actions grew increasingly militaristic and violent, to the point where at Waco, our government - like the Chinese - was deploying tanks against its own citizens.

Click on the link to read the whole thing. McVeigh rails against the government's action in Waco, in its wars in Serbia and Iraq. Not a word about Limbaugh. That comes from the Left.

UPDATE 4: The New Orleans Beating: Real Violence, Real Evidence, No Media

The Iron Rail Book Collective, whose website and blog are covered with revolutionary and anti-capitalist rhetoric, hosted two flyers advertising the demonstration, and also an eight-page brochure filled with intense verbiage. It repeatedly stated that SRLC attendees were not welcome in New Orleans four years after Republicans had “drowned” the city, and called for “direct action” and “active resistance” against the conferees.

Members of the Iron Rail encouraged the protesters to join them in adjourning to Brennan’s, both through another set of flyers they issued on site and by use of a public-address system to “invite” their comrade demonstrators to march on the restaurant. That a relatively tame — if profane and obnoxious — protest turned unruly and dangerous at the eatery could be the result of strategic planning.

Bautsch has identified photos of an auburn-haired, “dirty-looking” protester from both the Hilton and Brennan’s demonstrations as looking “exactly” like the assailant the couple described to police, though she admitted she can’t positively identify the protester.

On the Iron Rail-produced brochure of the protest is a map of five hotels at which SRLC attendees were principally lodged during the conference. Two members of the Iron Rail Gang — Joanna Dubinsky and Daniel Mauch — took down YouTube videos and Facebook pages identifying them and their compatriots as having participated in the event last week after scrutiny of the Iron Rail commenced. Dubinsky is pictured in photos and video at both the Hilton and Brennan’s, speaking into the PA system while wearing a red-and-black anarcho-communist flag (which is also pictured on the Iron Rail website). Neither has come forward to deny having knowledge regarding the perpetrators of the attack.

None of this information seems to have piqued the curiosity of the local New Orleans newspaper, the Times-Picayune. T-P reporting has focused on the NOPD’s initial police report, which is substantially incomplete. Local television and radio news outlets have shown a similarly incurious attitude toward the case. Outside of Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, to date no traditional national outlet has deigned to investigate what seems to be a pin in the balloon of the “right-wing violence” narrative.

Despite the non-stop rhetoric from the media about the effect of Conservative incitement of violence, when the violence happens - and comes from the Left - the story is not told. Why? Doesn't this event prove the media right about hate speech sparking violence? Of course violence against Conservatives is not what the media has been predicting, so this story doesn't fit the narrative. Beat a Conservative bloody? It's like that tree in the forest where there's nobody to hear it. Now we know. If it were up top the media, it doesn't make a sound.

1 comment:

  1. thisishabitforming9:40 AM

    For those who have been around for a few years, we remember the sixties with the Civil Rights and the anti VietNam war protests, the flag burners, more recently the greenies Save the Planet marches, the anti Iraq war folks including Cindy Sheehan camping practically on GWB driveway, the economic summit crazies, and don't forget the buses that visited the AIG employee homes. All of these were cheered by the media as exercisers of the right of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. No one dared speak a discouraging word against any of this. In fact when the demonstrators at the DNC Convention in Chicago in the 60's threw bags of excrement and potatoes enhanced with razor blades at the cops and the cops took action against these hooligans it was called a police riot.

    But now comes the TEA Parties and with regular folks finally having had enough of what they see happening in Washington they are taking it to the streets themselves and the so called journalists are all in a tizzy and all worried about....what? The potential of trouble. Hypocrisy anyone? Remember Bob Dylan's 60"s era song with the line "There are non so blind as those who will not see". Remind you of anyone?
