
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dear Mr. Obama, Thank You for Doing the Right Thing on Memorial Day.

Thank you for not going to Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day. There is something sacred about that place and about that day. Those who bled and died for this country deserve to be honored and saluted by people who love their country and honor their sacrifice.

You don’t belong there. Thank you for realizing that and going to Chicago.


  1. Anonymous9:56 PM

    yes he does not belong there, he is not an honorable person and does not love America, he as put this country down and talked bad about the USA. He does not even salute the USA flag, and when he was sworn in he used the Koran, can you imagine that.

  2. I'm no fan of Barack Obama and I did not vote for him. But please, let's get our facts straight. Obama has never taken an oath of office on the Koran. When elected to the U.S. Senate is was his own bible. At the Presidential inauguration he swore in on the Bible that Abraham Lincoln used for his first inauguration in 1861.

    This rumor about Obama and the Koran probably originated from the 2007 swearing-in of Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., an American convert to Islam and the first Muslim elected to Congress. Ellison used a Koran that once belonged to Thomas Jefferson, borrowing the rare book from the Library of Congress.

  3. Can you imagine the strength that would be sapped out of Obama if he had to stand on this most revered ground? And Mechelle, who only lately for the first time in her life (40ish) felt proud to be an American. They do make a good match.

  4. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Well put Muslims should not be at such a sacred location!

  5. As a Christian Navy veteran who retires this November with 26 years of faithful and honorable service, I must say the anonymous person who stated "Well put Muslims should not be at such a sacred location!" is a COMPLETE IDIOT!!!
    I did not vote for Obama however, he is a Christian. Even if he was a Muslim, to say that he doesn't belong in Arlington because he is a Muslim is an insult to my fellow Muslim veterans who died for their country and are buried at Arlington, such as Specialist Kareem R. Khan, 20, of Manahawkin, New Jersey(
    It is better to remain silent and be though a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

  6. Greg, in all fairness to anonymous, I think he means live ones.
