
Monday, July 12, 2010

Deliberate Nonfeasance at the DOJ

Let me think ... why would you NOT want to purge the voter rolls of people who have died, moved or are otherwise not eligible to vote?  It's the law.

Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes told the Voting Rights Section at a meeting that, “We have no interest in enforcing this provision of the law. It has nothing to do with increasing turnout, and we are just not going to do it.”
Well if your idea of increasing turnout is to have the dead, the missing or the ineligible vote I can see the point of keeping them on the voter rolls.  To those who don't want to see their vote cancelled by the criminals voting for the dead ... the idea that the Obama DOJ wants to facilitate voter fraud is the only reasonable conclusion.

1 comment:

  1. thisishabitforming7:11 PM

    Say it loud, say it proud: Its the Chicago way.
