
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Kathleen Oarker on the media coccoon: "It is no fun writing about friends and colleagues"

Kathleen Parker is identified as "Conservative" by Liberals.  Here's why: she protects the Left while attacking the Right.  You don't have to go past any one article she writes for evidence.  Regarding JournoList, her take is:
...weak tea -- a tempest in Barbie's teacup.
 Keep in mind that this really is not being covered by the MFM, and Chatty Kathy knows it so she explains for the Washington Post reader who's totally ignorant about the scandal.
For the millions who have no idea what I'm talking about...

Along the way she takes the time to relegate the biggest cable news network to obscurity: was a consortium of far lesser-known folks (academics, mid- to low-level producers, etc.) who enjoyed the camaraderie of the like-minded.

In the conservative world, we call such people Fox News. (Just kidding, guys, but really.)

This is the sort of thing that gets Kathy bedded in Liberal Land.

Of course JournoList would not be given space at all in the Washington Post (one of its "journalists" Ezra Klein, created the list) if Kathy were going to be  critical.  So here's the reason why we should "just move along, nothing to see here folks."  It's the one-size-fits-all reason to ignore the obvious:
...some also have been presented out of context and, besides, were offered as part of an ongoing argument among colleagues who believed they were acting in good faith that theirs was a private conversation.
Chatty Kathy then goes on to bemoan how terrible it is that "private" conversations about, say watching Limbaugh die, should ever see the light of day.  Besides, she avers, these 400 were lowly worker bees, totally unimportant in the world of the MFM.

Pace Kathy, here’s why it’s important to know what these people were saying – in private. First, not one of their defenders is making the case that the ideas expressed by the JournoListers were anything other than mainstream Liberal views. So we have an insight into what Liberals tell each other when they don’t believe the world is watching. These are the minds and the concepts that shape the worldview we get when we read, or watch or listen to the MFM.

There is also something that’s true about human nature and that’s this: our public morality is always higher than our private morality. That also applies to our private vs. our public viewpoints. It’s when you give the private Caligula power that you have a problem. The people on JournoList are exposed as people who wish to engage in conspiracies to destroy Conservatives by making purely false accusations of racism. We see how that’s working out beyond the JournoList network. One – a law Professor – wants to shut down Fox New. Think he’s the only one? One wants to see Rush Limbaugh die a horrible death while she laughs. Think she’s the only one? Ever hear about the resurrection of the Fairness Doctrine that would drive Limbaugh off the air?

Make no mistake, despite Chatty Kathy’s crocodile tears about the awfulness of publishing the JournoList archives, despite her protestations that these people were nobodies, this is a view into the “media Left” that’s very instructive to people – primarily moderates – who never believed in behind-the-scene cabals or the maliciousness of the Liberal community.

For Conservatives, it simply reinforces what we already know.

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