
Friday, July 09, 2010

Letting violent black racists go with a slap on the wrist ... but going after white cop.

Your Obama "Justice Department"  US Justice Department to review BART shooting

1 comment:

  1. thisishabitforming8:10 AM

    I sure am glad that electing a "Black" President put the race issue to rest in America. And this must mean we are no longer a "nation of cowards" when it comes to race issues in America.

    Its so refreshing to know where we stand. Black poll watchers can intimidate voters at will without danger of repercussion, and White cops can rest assured that if the sentence handed down doesn't please the administration, the Feds will intervene.

    My question, does the cop have to wait in line behind the State of Arizona, or can Holder handle two cases at once.
