
Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Mr. President, You Are Sick With Self Love

I'm curious how this got published in the Puffington Host.
While Mr. Obama may be a citizen of the world, his voters are citizens of America. It's because of this that, try as he might, he cannot ignore the domestic interest: dwindling quality of life in America. So busy worrying about how the rest of the world sees us, it seems that Mr. Obama has lost sight of how we see ourselves.

The comments are not complimentary.  I rarely visit the HuffPo but it's always instructive when going to a website to read the comments because it's a window into the communiyt that a blog attracts.  Here are a few examples.

Referring to Obama  bowing, Grunty1 comments:
He's "sick with self love" becaused he bowed in a situation that called for it??

Countess comments: 
I do not think that the president's problems with the American people has anything to do with his interest in foreign affairs but rather comes from the fact that he is a very conservative democrat at a time that calls for a forceful progressive leader that will take on the forces of reaction that are destroying America instead of pandering to the worst elements in society as he so often does.
And Forsetti provides the "other" Obama excuse (a version of "it's Bush's fault):
Mommy, why can't President Obama cure cancer and make unicorns poop gold?

Seriously, the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression and you want everything to be hunky dory in a matter of months.
But I am getting the strange feeling that the teen-aged swoon with our Rock Star in the White House has left some of the most besotted with the a feeling that they have been used and discarded like a scumbag. 


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    You may rarely visit HuffPo. I can't anymore. They banned me for no particular reason. See my April 6 post. LOL!
    [For a light hearted take on our present peril]
