
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Richard Cohen: "Republicans and other evil-doers"

I read his Washington Post column Who is Barack Obama? to the end, waiting for him to show he was saying this tongue in cheek.  Asking why most people don't like what Obama's doing he explains:

 The effects of the health-care act have yet to be felt and the ink is hardly dry on financial reform. Until these measures prove popular, they can be mischaracterized by Republicans and other evil-doers.
He's not kidding

But keep in mind the revelations of the conspiracy of the JournoList, now - more than two years after the presidential campaign and the election - this member of the One-Party-Media asks the question.
But we still don't know him. Before Americans can give him credit for what he's done, they have to know who he is. We're waiting.
I can't imagine a well informed person making this incredibly stupid comment.  It's YOUR JOB, you asshole to have done this BEFORE you helped him get elected.  The rest of us knew this two years ago.


  1. "Republicans and other evil-doers"?

    Remember when Richard Cohen and other hacks were sneering at George Bush for speaking of evil-doers and describing an "axis of evil"?

    Lord, what an unprincipled, partisan hack Cohen is.

  2. I picked up on exactly the same thing you did. Why even bother reading further with a hack like this guy. Who does he think he'll persuade with that attitude?

  3. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Richard Cohen is either incredibly naive for a journalist (or a functioning adult) or he is simply lying. If he, as an experienced writer in Washington, can't tell he's been the product of an Obama snow job, then he shouldn't even be paid for what he is doing. Where did this guy go to school and when did his ability tell a fake from the real thing stop working?
