
Monday, July 19, 2010

Video Shows Racism At NAACP Event

/From Andrew Breitbart's Big Government
In this piece you will see video evidence of racism coming from a federal appointee and NAACP award recipient and in another clip from the same event a perfect rationalization for why the Tea Party needs to exist.

With video cameras around, it's hazardous for the Left to accuse the Right of racism. Since the MSM lost control of the narrative, charges of racism will have less effect. Of course that means that they will only intensify. It's the only weapon left in the Left's arsenal. But from now on, it's a suicide belt and the accuser will self destruct.

1 comment:

  1. thisishabitforming9:06 AM

    To hate the discriminator for what he did if you are doing the same thing is the essence of hypocrisy. You are no better than that person you hate. In fact you are that person you hate.

    I love the part about taking him to "one of his own kind". Silly me I thought we had abandoned that kind of thinking long ago.

    If having Obama as president has shown me one thing, it is this, there is a far wider gulf between races than what is healthy for this country, and there are far too many people whose business it is to exploit that gulf rather than heal it.
