
Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Defense Industry

The Defense Industry®™ is now in full combat mode in defense of Barack Obama. I refer, of course, to the lads and lasses who brought us the “Lightworker” who would bring us together, heal the earth and make the oceans recede; yes, the man whose words brought a thrill up their legs and almost made them forget he was black.

Having invested the last, lint covered, shreds of credibility in getting him elected, they are now busy buffing and polishing this buffoon – once again. This time they no longer have the luxury of creating an image based on his rock-star rallies combined with a concentrated effort to hide his past. The American people are now beginning to understand the real Obama. They know that the trillion dollars spent on stimulating the economy did no such thing. They know that the value of their homes is till eroding. They know that they or their friends have lost - or are about to lose - their jobs. They saw the disastrous ObamaCare bill passed, over their opposition without being read, even by its sponsor, Max Baucus. They see their investments erode as the market is about to take a double dip.

So what is the Defense Industry ®™ doing? The only thing left: ridicule the majority of the American people. The Defense Industry ®™ has long years of experience with this. It’s the only industry that actually thinks that it will build its business by insulting its product. From the inside, the media knows that its customers are really the advertisers. But the advertisers are buying access to your eyeballs (you're the product) and the media are delivering fewer and fewer eyeballs to their advertisers every time they take another swipe at the American people.

Before the information revolution, the media could do this with impunity. Where are you gonna get your information, sports scores, the weather report or the crossword puzzle? The answer is everywhere and you don’t have to take some fat assed bastard son of a poxed whore telling you how stupid you are as part of the package.

Meanwhile the actual unhinged and violent people who are being stirred up by the MFM are sending death threats to the Tea Party activists, and the media are doing such a good job of demonizing "Country America" that Democrats are fire-bombing their own offices and blaming it on their opponents. 

Ann Coulter has fun with this MSNBC Swears to Allah that Obama's Not a Muslim as only she can:

MSNBC's Monday programming was dedicated to denouncing Sen. Mitch McConnell's response to a question about whether Obama is a Muslim.

What McConnell actually said in response to the Muslim question was: "The president says he's a Christian. I take him at his word. I don't think that's in dispute."

Over at MSNBC, that's Republican code for: "He's a Muslim!"

North Korean TV's Ed Schultz hysterically babbled: "McConnell gave cover. That's what he did. He gave cover to all those low information voters out there who still believe this garbage about President Obama being a Muslim. ... The Republican leadership just loves to feed the fire."

Chris Matthews was so impressed with Schultz's nonsensical argument that he spent the entire hour on NKTV's "Hardball" making the same one: McConnell had expressed insufficient fervor when he said he believed Obama was a Christian! (Perhaps if McConnell had added something about a thrill running up his leg ...)

The statement "I take him at his word," Matthews said, was a "pitch-perfect dog whistle to the haters." He continued: "Yes, sure, whatever he says. Right. This is not about belief. It's an accusation that President Obama is not one of us. The right wing's attempt to de-Americanize the president."
You may think this is funny, I do, but this is what the mainstream media, which is otherwise busy demonizing the majority of Americans, actually believes.  And this kind of drivel is not passed around via Internet spam messages. This is "Big Time" media, the new Obama Defense Industry®™.

UPDATE: We (members of the "new media") have gotten into a rut by complaining about the MSM and it's refusal to print stories that are critical of the Left but we should stop. It's a tired theme and it will not change the old media. We're never going to get them to change because they believe they're right and will defend their people no matter what. Here's a response from Rob De Witt at Gateway Pundit:
“It’s just a shame the media won’t report this” is a lame plaint. You’re the media; you’re reporting it. Approval and validation by Pretty Perky Katie Couric and her ilk is less than meaningless at this point, and the diminishing portion of the population which still gets its news that way won’t recognize the truth anyhow.
Instead, feel sorry for the families of those working in a dying industry.  This is as good as it gets for them.

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