
Saturday, August 14, 2010

"If we don't let Jihadis build a victory monument at Ground Zero the terrorists will have won."

That seems to be the message from the Liberal/Left/Progressive end of the political spectrum and amplified by Barack Hussein Obama.  And make no mistake about it; there's no way that anyone believes that Cordoba House is not a victory monument.  No one - literally no one - is that stupid,

To really rub our faces in it, the Government is paying Iman Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the mosque, to take a junket at our expense to the Arab world where he will raise the funds to build the monument to Islam's greatest victory of this century over the "Great Satan."

Lenin famously said that The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them"  He was understating his case.  The Ruling Class in America won't sell the Jihads the rope; they'll provide it free while congratulating themselves on their generosity.

UPDATE: Via Flag_This at FreeRepublic

From Sarah Palin:
Mr. President, should they or should they not build a mosque steps away from where radical Islamists killed 3000 people? Please tell us your position. We all know that they have the right to do it, but should they? And, no, this is not above your pay grade. If those who wish to build this Ground Zero mosque are sincerely interested in encouraging positive "cross-cultural engagement" and dialogue to show a moderate and tolerant face of Islam, then why haven't they recognized that the decision to build a mosque at this particular location is doing just the opposite? Mr. President, why aren't you encouraging the mosque developers to accept Governor Paterson's generous offer of assistance in finding a new location for the mosque on state land if they move it away from Ground Zero? Why haven't they jumped at this offer? Why are they apparently so set on building a mosque steps from what you have described, in agreement with me, as "hallowed ground"? I believe these are legitimate questions to ask.


  1. Good Gawd....

    I guess a simular thought would be to errect some sort of KKK shrine/prayer center where MLK was gunned down. Maybe a Cowboy/US Calvary Hall of Fame steps away from Wounded Knee?

    There's a big difference to a right to build it, or is it the right thing to do...

  2. If you didn't read past the headline you won't get the point.
