
Friday, September 24, 2010

Full Text of Christopher Coates’ Testimony to U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

Very compelling testimony to race based discrimination of voting rights laws in the Obama so-called "Justice Department."  Enforce voting laws agaisnt whites only, allow blacks to stuff the ballot box and intimidate voters.

Via Pajamas Media.

1 comment:

  1. Racial conflict and ethnic division is exploding throughout our national politics. It can be heard in this video, when a top official testifies under oath that the Obama Justice Department refuses to enforce Voting Rights law equally, when the Obama administration sues the state of Arizona over an immigration bill it deems to be bigoted, when Rush Limbaugh casts liberal policies as an exercise in “reparations,” and when liberal politicians accuse Tea Party activists of racism. It was sounded last year during the backlash against Sonia Sotomayor’s suggestion that a “wise Latina” jurist might have advantages over a white male judge, when President Obama appointed a “green jobs Czar” who accused whites of polluting black communities, and again last summer when conservatives first attacked the Justice Department for not pursuing a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party. Conservative writer Dinesh D’souza (who has provided a positive “blurb” for this manuscript) triggered an intellectual donnybrook in September, 2010 with his Forbes magazine article insisting that Obama’s worldview is a product of his African father’s fierce anti-colonialism.

    The president himself has dropped any pretense of subtlety on the issue of race. Prior to the 2010 mid-term elections Obama taped a video address for the Democratic National Committee urging “young people, African Americans, Latinos, and women who powered our victory in 2008 to stand together once again.”

    This wasn’t supposed to happen. The election of the country’s first black president was supposed to usher in a “post racial” era of group amity and trust, a permanent state of color blindness that has been the nation’s unrealized dream since its founding. My forthcoming book "Trojan Horse" is the first full volume treatment of how Obama came to the American people bearing the long sought after gifts of racial conciliation and color blindness, but instead has brought the country to a dangerous racial precipice.

    Seth Forman
