
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lies, Damned Lies – Obamacare 6 Months Later

Sarah Palin in ObamaCare 6 months later:
Remember when the president said, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”? Not true. In Texas alone a record number of doctors are leaving the Medicare system because of the cuts in reimbursements forced on them by Obamacare! The president of the Texas Medical Association, Dr. Susan Bailey, warns that “the Medicare system is beginning to implode.”

Remember the Obama administration’s promise that Obamacare would cut a typical family’s premium “by up to $2500 a year”? Not true. In fact, fueled by reports that insurers expect premiums to rise by as much as 25 percent as a result of Obamacare, Senate Democrats are contemplating the introduction of price controls.

Remember when the president said in his address to Congress that “no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions”? That turned out to be yet another one of those “You lie!” moments. We found out that Obamacare-mandated high risk insurance pools set up in states like Pennsylvania and New Mexico will fund abortions after all.

Remember the promise that Obamacare would “strengthen small businesses”? Not true either. The net result of Obamacare is that small businesses will face higher health care costs, new Medicare taxes, and higher regulation compliance costs, while the much-hyped health care tax credit for small businesses turns out to be almost impossible to obtain.
And she's just getting warmed up.

Remember all the Liberals and liberals suck-ups to told each other and us that Sarah Palin was not smart enough to be Vice President ... much less President? There are two words for you:: ASS HOLES!

She's eating your lunch and the lunch of your "anointed one," and his syncopants and his hired liars in the press and academia.  As November elections approach what you smell is leftist fear, Liberals shitting their pants as the tsunami that took out a few RINO is now going take out a whole herd of Liberal shitheads who thought they could rule America because they were smarter, they could send a tingle up Chris Matthews leg, they had gone to HAAARVAAD and knew what the unwashed masses who shopped at Wal-Mart needed, even if they weren't smart enough to want it.

We’re going to clean up the Augean stables, throw out the corrupt thieves who thought they had a lifetime appointment because they were the right color or the right sexual orientation. And if they don’t get the boot in this election, there will be criminal charges filed for all the loot they have stolen, all the taxes unpaid, all the relatives enriched at the government trough.

After November 2nd , Jessie Jackson’s wish regarding Obama’s nether regions will be realized.

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