
Saturday, October 16, 2010

American Christians are more supportive of Israel than American Jews

The Problem With J Street makes the point that American Jews are far to the Left of Americans in general. The support that Americans believe we owe Israel is not a function of the "Jewish Lobby" but comes from American support of democracy and Christian support of a Jewish homeland.
American Jews mostly track well to the left of general American public opinion on Israel, just as American Jews by and large are more liberal than their fellow citizens on many other public policy questions.

But if J Street is right, it is also irrelevant. Non-Jewish Americans aren’t listening to AIPAC because they are prepared to give “the Jews” whatever they want when it comes to Israel policy. Still less do they worry that defying AIPAC will bring down the awesome power of “the Jews” on their heads. They listen to AIPAC because they believe it is a reliable advocate for the approach to the issue they want American policy to take. A sturdy majority of non-Jewish Americans support Israel for reasons that have nothing, repeat nothing, to do with the generally more liberal and nuanced views of American Jews.

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