
Thursday, October 14, 2010

How the Media Created the Tea Party

Nature abhors a vacuum.

Where a void exists, something will come in to fill it. The news media is supposed to act as the intermediary between the people and the government; to question, to bring facts and issues to the fore. When it failed so publicly and so spectacularly during the last election, it created a void which was filled by others. Those “others” included talk radio, a single media outlet – Fox News - bloggers and the internet where Glenn Reynolds’ “Army of Davids” toiled. And this combination of voices, acting as an alternative media, created the Tea Party.

Why is Fox News a big and growing hit on TV while other broadcast news services are losing viewers? They provide a voice to people on the middle and right side of the political spectrum while all of the others do a fine job of articulating the left. They fill a void that was created by the failure of NBC, CBS & ABC to provide a venue for anyone right of center. In fact, much of the media – and that includes organs like the NY Times and MSNBC – has made a conscious decision to appeal to their skewed demographic (minority, urban liberal, faculty lounge) leaving the vast middle and conservative part of the population up for anyone who wants to pay attention to their issues and concerns. Newsweek, which openly announced this shift several years ago, just sold for one dollar ($1).

The Tea Party is really a phenomenon of this decision on the part of the liberal media and its political allies in both parties. Don’t get me wrong, the media has always been liberal, but their liberalism had been tempered. But they simply could not resist the temptation to become the cheerleaders for the first affirmative action president. To paraphrase Christine O’Donnell: “he was them!”

They went so far overboard that they left a very large vacuum. In the past, that vacuum may have been filled with something quite different. But a confluence of events, technology, personality and ideology came together. What it birthed was something rarely seen, a spontaneous uprising of people who have other, better, things to do – most of the time – than spend their time demonstrating in the streets. They have jobs to go to, kids to take to school, homes to clean and meals to fix. Organizing for a demonstration was the work of young singles, students and faculty with nothing else to occupy their time. It was the kind of activity that appealed to bearded Marxists rather than suburban matrons or office workers. So when the Tea Party people actually took to the street or town squares no one in the media could believe they were real. They were accused of being “Astroturf” – fakes paid for by shadowy forces. They were then ridiculed and called by sexually deviant names by smirking faces in the media. The next step was the old doomsday weapon of the left – calling them racist. That bomb went off like a North Korean nuke – it ended up a fizzle. And because that accusation has now been shown to have lost its potency, the Left is now partially disarmed; and it’s all its own doing. The Tea Party people have demonstrated that they can have a dramatic impact on elections. Even if some of the candidates endorsed by the Tea Party people don’t win, they have already knocked off a number of Republican RINOs who won’t be coming back to Washington and have scared the pants off of many Democrats who believed they had a lifetime job in congress.

It’s all because the media, like a love struck teenybopper, fell in love and decided to run off with Barack Obama. It left a vacuum that others filled. It’s too late to move back home. To carry the analogy one step further, they are carrying Obama’s love child and it’s too late for an abortion. They have it; they will nurture it and grow up with it. Meanwhile others have moved into its room at home.


  1. I'm not sure the media "created" the Tea Parties. But they have certainly fed the sentiments that cause them to grow.

    First of all, the term "the Tea Party" really means the enormousm political groundswell of alarm at the size and growth of government, its spending, its borrowing and its taxation and regulation of every aspect of life. Millions of voters who have never been to an actual Tea Party event, don't belong to a Tea Party or self identify as a TP member, belond to this groundswell. So calling the whole the "the Tea Party" is misleading.

    Second, the ignorant or deliberate mischaracterization of this groundswell by Democrat leaders and the Democrat media as "racist," "Nazi", "wingnut" and all the rest has been gasoline on the fire. None of these, from Obama on down, seem to realize that calling ordinary citizens pejorative names and lying about who they are and what motivates them creates more opponents and fuels the passions of the opposition.

    In trying to create a fictional narrative of who "the Tea Party" is, while exhibiting breathtaking arrogance against the will of the majority, the Dem machine has created and fueled a movement that is far larger than any actual Tea Parties.

  2. mikee9:11 PM

    Rick Santorelli, CNBC stock analyst, stood on the floor of the Chicago Stock Exchange and ranted about rewarding losers with government handouts.

    Viral video. Mainstream news coverage. Tea Party ensues.
    To leave out Rick is to omit the original event, the Ur-scream of the movement.

  3. great post. I've linked to you.

    Rich Vail,
    Pikesville, MD

  4. Moneyrunner9:20 PM

    I said that the media created the Tea Party to explain the paradox that the media tried mightily to kill it, yet was one of the reasons it was created.

    The press was the very antithesis of the Tea Party movement. Yet it created the cultural void – public opposition to the socialist trajectory of the Obama administration – that forced many good people who were not inclined to organize and participate in public demonstrations to become activists. After all, if they did not rise in opposition to an arrogant, repressive, corrupt and profligate regime, who would? The abdication of the media to do its job forced Middle America to do it for them.

  5. Moneyrunner9:35 PM

    Thanks for the link, Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds. Please look around the grounds. One of the most popular posts is Driftwood horses and you may want to read some of my other brief essays like The Tea Party as a money machine.

  6. Nice blog Rich. thanks for the link.

  7. Anonymous11:57 PM

    The MSM is so deluded its sad. Alleging people are "racist" or "stupid" for disagreeing with their side's various schemes (like Obamacare)? Not a great strategy. But the meltdown will be fun to watch.

  8. There is a problem with the relationship between the Tea Party movement and the MSM (which actually deserves to be called the state-approved media). Too many Republican Tea Party candidates still willingly talk to these bozos, giving them the aura of journalistic integrity they do not deserve. Recall that one of Rand Paul's first interviews was with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, which makes as much sense as a Jew living in Nazi Germany inviting the Gestapo over for a friendly little chat.

    Unfortunately, the Tea Party movement and (especially) the candidates it supports are still too chummy with the MSM. That could prove to be their undoing. A better strategy (admittedly long term) would be to support only alternative media and shun companies that do business with the MSM. There is zero guarantee that this would work, but it is better than helping to prop up ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc.

  9. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Isn't it beautiful!!! The best thing about it is they still don't know what we are. I don't know who they're talking to with their so called news but it's not America. I think she doesn't need them anymore!!! grrrr

  10. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Rick of CNBC was not the original "event". The first Tea Party was held in Seattle earlier that week and was organized by Keli Karender. In the next few days Denver and Mesa, Az held rallies. Rick was responding to these events. By the time of his rant our local event was in the planning stages!

  11. Arty_Ness12:50 PM

    Fans of Heather Jansch's amazing Driftwood Horses will enjoy these stunning pics on her website:
