
Sunday, October 10, 2010

If Obama is so Gung-Ho About Fixing Education, Why the Hell Won't He do the Smallest Goddamn Thing to Change the Status Quo?

From Reason Magazine. 
This is getting annoying! Obama continues to make a play to be the edjumication president, yet he won't do a goddamn thing to actually shake up the ineffective, over-spending status quo. Here is the proud papa of two honor students at the exclusive and hugely expensive Sidwell Friends school of Washington, D.C. delivering yet another speech about how important education is:

"At a time when most of the new jobs being created will require some kind of higher education -- when countries that out-educate us today will outcompete us tomorrow -- giving our kids the best education possible is an economic imperative," Obama said.

Here's an interesting fact from the video: the largest teacher's union, the NEA (National Education Association) spends more on campaign contributions than Exxon Mobil, Microsoft, Wal Mart and the AFL-CIO ... combined. And 95% goes to Democrats. That's why under Obama, or any other Democrat there will never be meaningful education reform.

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