
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Juan Williams Fired from PBS (correction NPR)

He's just not allowed to say these things. Not at the government funded network that considers "All Things", some things are just not allowed to be considered.

Very likely, the timing of Williams’ crimethink, hot on the heels of Bill O’Reilly’s similarly doubleplus ungood remarks last week, contributed to his dismissal. Odds are that Williams will simply now become employed full-time by Fox, where he has been a regular panelist for many years. Or, to combine a couple of riffs on Twitter tonight, perhaps he’ll move to Slate and/or the Washington Postto cover conservatives from the inside.

And once again, both Matt Welch’s comments regarding the legacy media and their fear of what Ace once dubbed America’s de facto state religion seem remarkably prescient.

(The Photoshop above references this infamous Time magazine cover from this past summer. Oh, and apropos of nothing, note in contrast the sort of material that’s perfectly acceptable to NPR.)


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    He was fired from NPR- get your facts straight!

  2. Anonymous7:24 PM

    PBS fired a first rate television personality in too much haste. The man voiced the opinions of most Americans when they get on planes--how could you not? Who flew those planes into the Twin Towers--who flew planes that have hijacked people and killed and frightened people on planes for many years?
    You are aiding muslim extremists by this act, and I for one, think you are wrong.
