
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Michael Gerson’s misconceptions about Christianity

You have seen what happens if you work for the Liberal media and don’t toe the line: you get purged.  Gerson has a job writing columns for the Washington Post so he’s going to show that he knows which side his bread is buttered on.

Why is it that when Liberals discuss American culture they sound like idiots? Barack Obama diagnoses the problem with American plebeians is that they are irrational when they’re scared. Gerson tell us that we are not a Christian nation because Unitarians, Baptists, Catholics, Quakers and Episcopalians did not get along.

Now I realize that it’s an article of faith on the part of “Credentialed America” that America is not, was not and will never be a Christian nation, despite the fact that most of the early settlers came to this country to be allowed to practice their particular version of Christianity in peace. Gerson’s argument in this article is incredibly, mind blowingly, stupefyingly stupid.

Pass over the fact that he willfully or out of ignorance misrepresents O’Donnell’s point about the First Amendment. The fact he marshals for his proposition that
“America is not a Christian country and has never been, for historical, theological and philosophic reasons”
 is simply bizarre.

We may ask ourselves, what is a Christian nation? Is it a nation where about 8 in 10 people (78.4% according to the Pew Research Center) identify themselves as Christian? Is a nation whose founding documents refer to God a Christian nation? Is a nation whose founders began the day with a prayer to a Christian God a Christian nation? Is a nation that - until it was declared illegal in the 1950s – began its school day with a prayer a Christian nation?

The reason that the First Amendment was incorporated into the Constitution is because the various Christian denominations in this new land did not want any one of them to dominate nationally. They saw what that did in Europe and the founders wished to avoid the problems that the establishment of a national “State” religion caused. Need I point out that many states had official State religions after the Federal Constitution was enacted? That’s why the First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” Note the word Congress. That referred to the national government.

What is it about the Left and those who suck up to the Left to try to deny what is blatantly obvious to virtually everyone in this country? The reason is that everyone tries to define their particular belief and fetish as the mainstream position. It’s the same reason why the activists in the gay community demand the military admit openly gay people. Most have no interest in joining the military, they want validation that they are not out of the mainstream; they want society’s seal of approval, even if that approval is forced or faked.  The hard Left is - for the most part - non religious, or religious in the way that Obama's pastor Jeremiah Wright is "religious;"   so, to them, validation is denying that America is a Christian nation.

Following Gerson’s logic to its ultimate conclusion we must conclude that Iraq is not a Muslim country. The two primary Muslim denominations, Sunni and Shia are actively killing each other. If America is not a Christian nation because Catholics and Protestants did not play well together, is Iraq a Muslim country if Sunni and Shia are at each other’s throats? Is Iran a Muslim country using the Liberal’s definition of what defines a country’s religion? Is Saudi Arabia?

While Gerson’s piece defies logic, fact and history it does serve its purpose. It tells his boss that he’s firmly in her camp.

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