
Saturday, October 09, 2010

Was Barack Obama's campaign financed with foreign money?

Obama used the specter of foreign money being used in campaigns when he accused the Chamber of Commerce of funding campaign ads using foreign money. The US Chamber gets less than $100,000 from foreign member affiliates in a budget of over $200 million and keeps this money carefully segregated.

Unlike the Obama campaign which accepted vast amounts of money via untraceable donations using a system which could detect illegal contributions but which they deliberately disabled so as to be able to accept foreign contributions.

I blogged about this here, here and here.

Glenn Reynolds has the story and the links.

NEW YORK TIMES: Obama’s “foreign money” claims are bogus. They’re also pretty rich, considering how his 2008 campaign handled foreign credit cards. From that National Journal story: “The lack of a computerized address-verification system would allow the Obama campaign’s computers to accept online donations from U.S. citizens above legal limits, and to accept donations from foreigners who are barred by law from contributing at all.” Perhaps its time to remind people of that issue again. Oh, wait, I just did!

Here’s more on that from 2008: “A breakdown of controls has enabled foreign and other unaccountable funds to pour into the Obama campaign — and it’s not an accident.”

Plus, from the Washington Post: Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations. “Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign is allowing donors to use largely untraceable prepaid credit cards that could potentially be used to evade limits on how much an individual is legally allowed to give or to mask a contributor’s identity, campaign officials confirmed. Faced with a huge influx of donations over the Internet, the campaign has also chosen not to use basic security measures to prevent potentially illegal or anonymous contributions from flowing into its accounts, aides acknowledged.”

More here. “Then there’s the question of whether foreign nationals are contributing to the Obama campaign. There is more than enough evidence to warrant a full-scale investigation by the Federal Election Commission, including the $32,332.19 that appears to have come from two brothers living in a Hamas-controlled Palestinian refugee camp in Rafah, GA (that’s Gaza, not Georgia). The brothers’ cash is part of a flood of illegal foreign contributions accepted by the Obama campaign.”
Read the rest.


  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    On the same subject matter, & please read comments on both blogs, you will find more interesting information

  2. thisishabitforming9:21 AM

    I always thought Bill Clinton was the master of accusing your opponent of doing what you were doing to take the heat off yourself and get some sympathy to boot, and but Bill Clinton is proving himself an amateur compared to the anointed one in doublespeak and double dealing. But then Bill was from Arkansas and Obama learned his politics in Chicago.

  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Not only did Obama receive millions of dollars in his campaign from foreigners, many of those transactions came from countries steeped in terrorism.

    Then once he won, the word "Terrorist" vanished from the official invective.

    As progressive radicals in his cabinet continue to ruin the country, Obama leads the nitwit Marxist agenda we have all come to loathe.

    He can blame Bush all he wants, we are not fooled into believing this Administration has any other goal than making the constitution irrelevant through systematic dysfunctional laws like Cap and Trade, Obamacare and Financial Reforms that will pile on more debt until the system collapses under its own fiscal responsibilities.

    Voting for a democrat in light of Obama's actions is paramount to treason, no matter how well intentioned they might be.
