
Monday, December 13, 2010

Obama Scores a Hat Trick

As everyone is busy describing the rapidly shrinking Obama Presidency, let us take note of the fact that this President scored a “Hat Trick” by coming through on three of his most important campaign promises: health care, financial reform and energy.

1.       Obama promised us national health care reform during the campaign and he delivered.  He revolutionized the health care system.  That fact the it will not improve the quality of health care, that the vast majority of Americans want it repealed, and that it increases rather than decreases the cost of health care is irrelevant.  He kept his promise despite the fact that this bill probably had more to do with the massive defeat of Democrats in congress than any other action.
2.       Obama promised us reform of the financial system and got a bill passed.  The fact that it enshrined “too big to fail” and does absolutely nothing about the twin causes of the financial melt-down (Fannie and Feddie) is not an issue.  He promised us a bill and a bill was crafted by the people who were most responsible for the crisis that just passed (Dodd and Frank), and that’s all right with him.
3.       Obama promised to wean us off conventional fuels by making them too expensive to use and he did it.  When he came into office gasoline was selling for about $1.67 a gallon and – two years later during the slowest part of the driving season – it’s over $3.00 a gallon and rising. 
Promises made, promises kept.  Now about that Civilian National Security Force that’s as well armed and trained as the military...  He has two more years to fulfil that promise.  And lest you think that's not a possibility, did you think just two short years ago that before you boarded a plane you had to choose between being viewed in the nude or having your "junk" groped by the TSA?
To paraphrase Glenn Reynolds: "They told me that if I voted for McCain, the cost of health care would go up, we would have crony capitalism and I would have to park my car because I could not afford gas.  And they were right!"

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