
Saturday, December 04, 2010

What Wikileaks reveals.

Admit it, it’s kind of fun reading what Ambassador X says about Potentate Y. Many of the “leaks” also reinforce what you knew about what was really going on, but the government/media/Left were lying about. Wasn’t it interesting that the Saudis rather than the Israelis were more vociferous about taking out the Iranian nuclear facilities?

What has not been more discussed is what Wikileaks is doing and showing about the government.

1. Who is supplying the information to Wikileaks? So far, we have one homosexual American PFC in the brig with several charges against him. But the charges are surprisingly light. Is he the sole source of the leaks or are there more people involved?

2. Everyone assumes that what’s being leaked is true. How do we know? The best kind of espionage misinformation is buried on lots of truthful information. How do we know that Wikileaks is not an effort of sabotage via lies surrounded by truth?

3. The American government is shown as the halting, confused and indecisive response of an administration that has watched a large part of its communications security destroyed. They’re still talking about dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s on an Assange arrest warrant. ..

The true significance of Wikileaks, … is that it lays bare how utterly helpless and indecisive the current crop of leaders are. If they can’t protect the crown jewels, cannot keep allies who have bet their lives from exposure, cannot even bring themselves to question Julian Assange, what odds would you give them in other fights?

4. The publication of the clear text of diplomatic cables has now given every foreign government the ability to read our encrypted diplomatic cables. Once you know what the clear text of an encrypted message is, it becomes child’s play to figure out what the code used to encrypt our diplomatic messages is.

5. The news media, including the NY Times, is now a party to helping our enemies read our secret communications via publication of these messages; not the messages in the leaks,, but all messages using diplomatic or military code.
The Wikileaks saga has so many twists and turns, trying to determine who’s who and what’s what is smoke and funhouse mirrors.

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