
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why do these Liberals feel no fear in making death threats to Sarah Palin in the open?

William Jacobson raises an interesting question Death Wishes Like It's Party Time

He questions whether the people wishing her dead via bullet, or cancer or dying "gnashing her teeth" are making death threats in a legal sense. Perhaps, perhaps not. But keep in mind that Loughner wrote on a letter from Representative Giffords:  "Die Bitch."  Before this weekend, we didn't know if it was a threat or a wish.  We do now.

In the comments "V the K"  notes that
I think it's because violent, impulsive, hate-filled people are drawn to social groups where such behavior is acceptable. Since the left is far more accommodating of hate (provided it is directed at approved targets) than the right, haters are drawn to the left.

Let's not also forget that political violence is not merely tolerated on the left, but actually celebrated. No one on the right is going to show up at a Tea Party rally in an Eric Rudolph T-shirt. There are no right-wing collegians with posters of Tim McVeigh on their walls. But mass murderers like Che Guevara and Mao Tse-Tung and cop-killers like Mumia Abu Jamal are celebrated as heroes on the left; and their images adorn T-shirts, posters, and flags at most any progressive gathering.

I had never considered that, but he's absolutely right.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Do you think the left says these thing because they really don't mean it? Or are these cases of spewing to see a reaction?

    I mean, really all this hate spewing vitriol is (in my mind) a casterated attempt at man hood.

    These folks that are spewing this crap are doing so behind the cloak of the internet. Sitting there all comfy in their footed jammies.

    If this was a real situation, ie: in a bar, or at a neighborhood barbque, or in a store....these folks would have somebody jumping their s@@t post haste. And they would have to "man" up and defend their statements.

    They would have to defend themselves physically and personally. As it is right now, they can spew, spew, spew then sit back and watch all the undies get twisted.

    I think the left is showing the world their lack of gonads. They are using the internet as a shield and watching like the deranged folks they are.

