
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Spring of Our Discontent

To paraphrase Shakespeare, this is the spring of our discontent. Gas prices head inexorably toward $5 per gallon. Grocery shopping induces sticker shock; cereal packages shrink and coffee prices double. Money buys less and less and the average worker is stuck between zero interest rate CDs and real inflation of around 10%. Crony capitalism is on display as the chairman of GE, a huge conglomerate that pays zero taxes while racking up billions in profits, is embraced by Obama to head the White House Council on Jobs. GE gets most of its profits overseas, simultaneously reduced it US workforce and increased it overseas.

So how does the MSM react to this malaise? It labels Americans are spoiled children. It points to the price of gas in Europe where taxes bring the price of gas to nearly $10 per gallon and tells us that we are wasteful and wanton. It tells us that the White House has nothing! Nothing!! Nothing!!! to do with the price of fuel in the US and demands that all news stories covering the subject contain that information. This new bit of MSM insight was discovered once George Bush left office and will be promptly discarded should a Republican ever reclaim that office.

While Americans are paying through the nose for gas and food, the MSM will claim that inflation is pretty near zero and use the “official” government statistics to prove it; a statistic that conveniently omits the price of gas and food from its numbers, but does include the declining price of iPads. If only Americans could do without fuel or food but instead ate computer chips, the world would be just like the government describes it.

The election of 2012 is on and if you thought the MSM was in the tank for Obama last time, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Last time all they had to do was airbrush out inconvenient baggage like Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. This time around they have to white out the entire US economy, 2 ½ wars and the ascendency of Islamofascism in the Middle East. It’s a much bigger task because Obama’s no longer a Rorschach blob, a blank screen on which people could project their hopes, but someone that the American people have begun to know and loathe. Its task is now much bigger and you can expect them to go nuclear. Some already have begun to prepare the battle space.

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