
Sunday, June 12, 2011

I don't want to be governed by people like Anthony Weiner

What is wrong with people who believe that it’s OK to have a government filled with sexual perverts like Weiner and small time crooks like Barney Frank and Charlie Rangel?   

I’m depressed by what I call the naive cynics. What I mean by that is people who think they are worldly and sophisticated and are just in fact patsies and rubes, the sort of people who say oh well everybody does it. This is just a purely private sexual matter—you uptight squares need to grow up about this stuff. No, actually. That’s not the way it works. Sexual corruption in a political culture is usually the tip of a much broader culture of corruption.

… This guy was in line to become the next mayor of New York up until last Sunday or whenever it was. Elliott Spitzer actually made it to Governor of New York. John Edwards was in line to become Vice President of the United States. Dominick Strauss-Kahn was in line to be President of France. There is something wrong with the political culture and big government in particular is very attractive to otherwise untalented people who get to afford themselves parts to which they would otherwise be unentitled.

… I mean—when Donald Trump is calling you sleazy and disgusting … that’s actually quite interesting to me! Donald Trump was a figure of fun in the 1980s because …he’d trade in one trophy wife for another trophy wife a generation younger, but Donald Trump did that on his own dime. … I think the trouble with big government is …when Anthony Weiner was boasting about the fact that he was a Congressman to this blackjack dealer in Vegas and this porn star in Vegas because in a sense he thought that insulated him from exposure. In other words, he was using his Congressional status to access chicks and I’m sorry I don’t want to be governed by people like this. …

There’s a huge problem in this country that there’s a sickness in the ruling class. Some people aren’t into the chicks. Charlie Rangel is into skimming off a little money from his rental property in the Dominican Republic and Bonnie Frank is into installing his boyfriend as head of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac or whatever it is, but sexual corruption is never where it stops. That is only the most lurid example of a broader corruption, and I do not want to be governed by Anthony Weiner. I demand better than that, even if the voters of his New York Congressional District don’t, I think the rest of us who have to live at the mercy of his votes deserve better than that.
The people Steyn calls the “naive cynics” are backing away from Weiner because he made them look like fools. He exposed them to ridicule and most of them are aware that there is a point where they can’t keep saying that middle-America needs to grow up and get with it.

The problem with our current government is that there are too many Weiners, too many Franks, too many Rangels. It doesn’t take a cynic to know that behind the scenes, there are a lot of others in government who have just not been caught yet.

The country is seeing what the result is of electing an inexperienced dolt to the Presidency just because Liberals thought that a black guy in the Oval Office would be cool. The country has experienced what Congressional sleaze really looks like in obnoxious jerks like Weiner, Frank and Rangel.

In a way, Weiner’s exposure was a good thing because it makes the next election about more than replacing an incompetent President. It’s an opportunity to clean the Augean Stables because they have not been mucked out for a while.

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