
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Liberal Reactionaries

I have noticed that the newspapers are full of comments and demands that things go on just as they  have always gone.  The most enthusiastic supporters of Barack "HopeN'Change" Obama sound like the most hidebound reactionaries.  "Don't change anything"  is the cry from the Left.  Keep running for the cliff because there is no cliff.  There will never be an end to other people's money.

Mired in a deep recession with no end in sight, a debt that can never be repaid, a world that hates us more that it did when Bush was president, where is the hope and where is the change?  Instead, the Left demands "more of the same."

1 comment:

  1. To be a Liberal means being "Stuck on Stupid"

    “Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive”
