
Thursday, July 28, 2011

What I don’t understand.

What I don’t understand.

I just watched Special Report with Brett Baier and both Stephen Hayes and Charles Krauthammer – who I admire - are insisting that if Republicans pass the bill that Speaker Boehner crafted they will be in a strong position at the negotiating table.

I have to admit that I need a lot of things explained to me when something is not glaringly obvious but I kept asking: “Why?”

Harry Reid has already said the bill will not pass the Senate. Obama has said he will veto it if it miraculously reaches his desk. I take both at their word. The House passed and the Senate killed the “Cut, Cap, Balance” and even NPR said that it puts the “Onus on Democrats.”

Yet here we are not even one week later and the Republican leaders in the House, after negotiating with themselves have offered another sacrificial lamb to be slaughtered, and we are told that THIS TIME it will put the Republicans in a strong position. All that seems to be accomplished is that Conservatives who were elected with the strong support of the Tea Party movement are being “whipped” to betray their constituents.

I don’t want to see the government forced to stop paying the bills for its vital obligations. But I totally fail to see how offering up bills that Democrats will vote down gets us even one step closer to fiscal sanity or responsibility.

Perhaps the smarter people in the room can enlighten me.

UPDATE:  For an blow-by-blow description here's The Other McCain
For some analysis looking a few steps ahead, here's Rush Limbaugh.
Here's Redstate:  More Proof It Is A Trap
Jim Geraghty At National Review Online:
Fine, Senate Democrats. Let’s vote on the Obama plan. You do have copies, right?
I'm tired of this issue, but that's just how the Left wins: they stay at the table until you get tired and give in.

Sarah Palin reminds Republican freshmen why they were sent to Washington: 
... stick to the principles that propelled your campaigns. When you take your oath to support and defend our Constitution and to faithfully discharge the duties of your office, remember that present and future generations of “We the People” are counting on you to stand by that oath. Never forget the people who sent you to Washington. Never forget the trust they placed in you to do the right thing.

1 comment:

  1. thisishabitforming12:00 AM

    Why is it the Republican's fault if they keep bringing up plans for consideration and the Dems say the plans are dead on arrival even before they get them.

    Then if the bill gets to the President's desk he vows to veto it again without having seen it.

    And still its the Republicans who are accused of being irresponsible, uncooperative, and unwilling to compromise.
